There are some people who should simply not be allowed to travel…or maybe it’s just me. The point is: me + airport = disaster.
As soon as I deplaned I ran to the departure screens and sure enough my flight had left right on time. So logically I went to the United customer service center where I could be comforted and reassured by a nice, warm airline worker whose mission in life is to please the customer. Instead I found a cold, hard, self-help touch-screen computer monitor that spit me out a new boarding pass and sent me on my way, presumably to sleep on a cold, hard airport floor, desperately clutching my belongings to prevent a tragic theft of the only belongings I currently had. For some crazy reason, I decided instead I wanted to stay at a hotel. However since I had no United person to talk to, I called David.
Dear United Airlines,
Please give me a voucher for a hotel. I’m ever so tired.
“We’ll try to get back to you within 5 business days”, computer voice concluded and I resisted the urge to throw my cell phone against the wall.
I decided to wander further in hopes of human contact, and somehow found a customer service station with real people…and a real long line of weary, frustrated travelers. While in line I received a call from David. He had managed to talk to a real person at the customer service phone number. How, I wondered? Was I merely being thick headed when I couldn’t reach a real person? Apparently not. David had discovered (I assume through trial and error) that the way to talk to a person was to yell ‘operator, operator, help’ into the phone with desperation. However, the person had said he couldn’t do anything about a hotel.
The line for customer service was located right next to a McDonalds. So I thought to myself, after I get this hotel funny business figured out, I can drown my sorrows in saturated fat and sugar water. I looked at the service station for a second, and when I looked back at the McDonalds there was a metal grate blocking me from comfort. It was at this point that my spirit died. By the time I was finally called up for my turn, I discovered I could no longer speak coherently. Somehow I asked for a voucher for a hotel and she said “well that depends on why you missed your flight”. After some typing on her evil technology she decided weather was not United’s fault. Well it certainly wasn’t mine. She gave me a tiny discount they give everyone, and I decided to take my Mom up on her offer to put me up in the Airport’s Hilton for the night…so I could be stranded in style!
I eventually got to the hotel, slept for a couple of hours, staggered to security, boarded my right-on-time 6:55am flight, arrived at National and was picked up by David who took me home. I didn’t break my 31-hour record for time it takes to return home, but whatevs.
Oh, and Thanksgiving was nice.