Friday, February 24, 2012

Apartment Watch # 1 : Endings and Beginnings

Sooooooooooooo, I haven't posted in basically forever (I know full well a post that only contains a link doesn't count). Luckily and unfortunately my brother seems to have been picking up the slack with increasingly frequent posts. Luckily, because it fills the void and the latter, well, because it makes me look bad. And I CAN'T HAVE THAT!

For months, I have been planning out a lengthy blog post of sociological magnitude about my recent temping experiences. I would write about how my first, one day job as a receptionist made me question how companies suddenly appear, filling a technological need that hadn't even been there a few years before. How my one day of hard labor at a FedEx packing facility revealed to me the hypocrisies of a nation that rewards a monkey in a suit sitting at a desk all day more than a person who wakes up at 3 every morning and comes home at night with blisters on his hands! How the daily care of the economically unfortunate elderly are put almost SOLELY in the hands of third, second, and FIRST GENERATION immigrants who PROBABLY have ELDERLY LOVED ONES OF THEIR OWN TO CARE FOR who have FALLEN BETWEEN ONE OF THE PLENTIFUL CRACKS IN COVERAGE OF OUR DEEPLY FLAWED MEDICARE SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then today I finally realized this post was probably never going to actually happen. It is time to move on, and let it go. It is the only way this blog will continue. And so I'll say goodbye to that mental roadblock and talk about this instead: my newest baby step into ADULTHOOD....

About a week ago I got a Facebook message that I thought might be coming, but I was not entirely prepared for. A week previously, a friend from Grinnell had posted celebratory news on his wall. He had gotten a job in the DC area and wondered if anyone in the area might be interested in joining him in his apartment hunt. I, being the wimp that I am, was sorely tempted to respond, but let fear and uncertainty hold me back. (Yes, I am being dramatic! I have the right. BIG LIFE CHANGES!). I posted a congratulatory "Yay!" comment, but nothing more.

Consequently, it didn't completely come from left field when this friend messaged me, asking if I would be interested in looking for a three person apartment with him and his friend. I read the message lingering on the screen of my KindleFire while sandwiched between my companions Jessica and Asia (not the country. Short for Anastasia. My new friend. Yay I can still make those!) I'm pretty sure I let out some kind of whimper/excited squeal because J and A turned to me with questioning and concerned looks. So I told them about the invitation, and asked if I was crazy for thinking of saying yes. After all, I don't have a full time job, and temp assignments in the last few months have been scarce. Isn't it too soon to live away from the nest? The answer, at the time, was a hesitant "No".

The universe was clearly giving me a sign that now is the perfect time to take that step every post-graduate must eventually take--Apartmenthood. When would be the next time someone I actually knew would offer to room with me? The longer I stay in the comforting cocoon of my childhood haven with "my" cuddly kitten, the harder it will be to leave. Sure, living somewhere free has it's benefits (it's free!), but adults--or whatever you call people my age--aren't supposed to be dependent forever. It's time for me to learn some of that independence our founding fathers--and the political conservatives who never seem to shut up about 'the founding fathers'--seem to love so much.

And so. Big, wide, open, unknown, intimidating, yonder. I'm coming for you!

To be continued...
(I promise)

1 comment:

  1. Once you see how a 22 year old male lives, you may not see this as quite the step into adulthood that you imagined...
