Friday, January 11, 2013

Working Girl. No, not that kind!

Sooooo, I haven't posted awhile. Yes, I realize I say that at the beginning of every post. And that is because it is almost always true. I am what most people would call a creative person. My creativity is usually expressed in visual mediums, and I like to think that most of the time it is expressed pretty well. And though my vocabulary is not what you would call expansive, or my grammar perfect, I tend to at least amuse others with my writing. An especially proud moment came this most recent Christmas time, when I learned that my sister's fiance's grandmother enjoys my Facebook statuses.

I am pretty sure my motto in life falls somewhere around "If all else fails, try to make people laugh". Well, that, or "Never ride an airplane if I can help it". I always enjoy a good stroke to my ego, whether it be admiration of a picture I created, or a chuckle inspired by my wicked-wit/base-sarcasm.


Creativity - Check

Self esteem heavily dependent on the compliments of others - Check

Plenty of Reasons to write more blog posts - Check

So why? WHY, can I not produce blog posts on a regular basis? The answer lies somewhere between motivation and inspiration.

I'm going to be pretty honest. I am lazy. Shocking I know! Usually when given the choice between flopping on the couch and watching hours of television, and actually doing something worthwhile with  my talents, the more sinful option wins out. I have to be very invested in an activity to have it win against television. For example, it is usually only when I am struck by a strong image or idea in my head, that I actually pick up a pencil and pen and produce a final, completed product. Or something hilarious happens in my life that I simply must blog about. But, there's the real answer. The reason blog posts don't flow as well as they used to. The reason my art often falls by the way side. What have I been doing with most of my time lately?


Yes, I'm going to blame the man! The man is keeping my creativity down! The man is making me sit at a desk and do boring paperwork (cough-and watch YouTube-cough). No, it is not my fault at all. How am I supposed to have interesting things to blog about if I'm stuck in a cubicle for most of the day? Do stuff on the weekends to blog about, you say? Impossible! Weekends are used to avoid doing anything that even remotely resembles work. And though I like to draw, and write to some extent, both of those things require work and effort. And weekdays? Forget it! I'm not going to come home from a long day of sitting and staring at a computer screen, to then go home and stare at my personal computer screen to write a blog post! Staring at a TV screen after work is completely different! My entry into the real world is to blame! The dark damp recesses of a government office has stifled my creativity!! My well has run dry! It is no fault of my own! I have perfectly GOOD REASONS NOT TO WRITE MORE BLOG POSTS!
*Disclaimer* The previous paragraph  was supposed to be ironic *Disclaimer*

Okay. I'm done. I'll be honest now. I have become too lazy. Too ready to let my creative outlets fall by the wayside, all the while blaming "a hard days work" for why I don't take action. So that will change. I will blog more often, maybe. And draw more, probably. And I am going to follow someone else's suggestion.

Yesterday, Emily the Great, sent me a link for a Groupon deal. A huge discount for an online course that teaches you how to create and maintain a web page. And though I was initially hesitant about the 80$ price tag (down from 400 bucks), I finally decided a year long membership to this course would be worth it--lead to good things. And! I can take it during the quiet times at work, when actual work to do is scarce. It looks great on a resume and will provide another creative outlet for me, the visual person that I am. So thanks Emily, The Pun Master of Africa. Great idea.

No more excuses. Less laziness. No more telev.... HA! hahaha, let's not be ridiculous.

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