Saturday, October 3, 2009


This week at Grinnell is parents' weekend. And since my parents aren't here (NO GUILT INTENDED)I got to do something that was lots of fun. Today I went to Oktoberfest in the Amana Colonies with Elyse, Sara, Jessica and Ben.

Last night I didn't know the exact time we were going to leave this morning. I went to bed, having set my alarm for 9am. Then at 12:30 pm WAH WAH WAH WAH! The fire alarm went off-and good thing it did. When I came back inside I found out from Stephanie we were leaving at 8:30 Am-so we could make it to the parade. On the ride there, despite Gigantor's sheer size, I had to sit b/w Sara and Ben.

Before the parade started Elyse and I bought fudge-mm fudge-Hey, Jessica gave us all permission to eat a lot during Oktoberfest and she was the organizer of the trip. We found a prime parade watching spot and once it started Sara pointed out that some of the fire trucks etc. were throwing out candy. Without even thinking I let out a surprisingly desperate "Oh please God." Apparently I really wanted candy (I did manage to literally catch some-a proud moment). Candy also provided my favorite moment of the parade. All the people in vehicles had been throwing candy on the ground for the children. Then one women, who was walking in the parade, walked straight up to some kids (less than a ft away) and threw candy on the ground in front of them. It's like she was saying "Yes, stupid children, bend down to the ground to get your candy! Reach to the ground like the filth you are!"

After the parade we moved on to the other main part of Oktoberfest. There was a tent for food and a barn for beer and polka music. The polka band was surprisingly good considering it was made up of two older men playing tuba and accordion, and a teenager playing drums (who looked like he would rather be anywhere else).

Next up, we watched a keg throwing contest and sawing wood contest. Watching the wood contest (two people using a big saw to cut a sliver of wood) Elyse started getting an itch to cut wood, but was unsure of herself. Sara helpfully pushed her to sign up by announcing loudly they would go next against Elyse's will. Watching them compete, I got my own itch. Jessica offered to saw with me, but warned me she was bad...she did not disappoint. I had lots of fun anyway and got a souvenir.

After that, was the bratwurst eating contest-I don't think any of us really knew what we were getting into when we signed up. It really was a contest in front of a lot of people. Whoever ate one brat first won. Yeah, the brat was about a foot long. None of our group won (Ben did not compete because he was busy finishing a 35 oz beer in a souvenir glass mug in under five minutes). I bought a smaller souvenir mug too, sans beer of course. Throughout the course of the day, I also bought Amana Colonies made bread, one Amana Colonies baked cookie and kettle corn from one of the two rival stands.

The final event of Oktoberfest for us was watching a sort of ironman competition with keg rolling, beer holding (harder than it sounds), and wood sawing. We realized we were freezing and it was drizzly (all day), so we didn't watch the entire competition and left the wonderful land of Oktoberfest.

And tomorrow I will do homework. te he.


  1. Please mail to me immediately: 1 bratwurst, 1 loaf of Amana-baked bread, 4 bratwurst, 8 pounds of fresh fudge, 1 bowling pin cake, 1 bowling alley pizza, 1 brownie sundae, and 1 sausage egg mcmuffin, or I'm not reading your blog anymore.

  2. Should I bring the wheelbarrow to the airport when I pick you up for fall break? I had no idea the Amana colonists were so much fun. I thought they were old fashioned guilt ridden protestants. At least you spent your Sunday morning praying, if not at church. And it sounds like you're discovering your German genes.
