Saturday, September 26, 2009

If I go to one more birthday party I'm going to need a wheel barrow and a dedicated manservant

The past couple weeks have been filled with great socializing and lots and lots of food. It's been great, but if I keep up at this rate I'm going to weigh 500 lbs before the semester is over.

Last weekend was Sara's birthday. Our group of about 17 people had dinner at Casa Margarita. With such a big group it took a long time to get our food so I, along with the people sitting near me, ate the sinful chips placed, and replaced and thankfully not rereplaced, in front of us. When our main courses arrived we were basically full, but we did our best. We drove back to campus, had cake that Jessica baked and watched Hercules-like mature college students. Everyone sang along and it was great fun. However, the best part had to be the music video we found in the special features for No Importa la Distancia. All I'll say is burning boulders, lightening, and Ricky Martin taking himself way too seriously and I'll let it speak for its self if you dare: It was a good night.

This weekend was Janna's birthday. Last night/Friday the gang, about ten of us, went to a steak house in (it was too remote for me to remember the name) Iowa. It was the real deal. We picked our own raw cuts of steak or chicken (except for Leah who picked her own serving of vegetables) and got to grill them ourselves. Personally, I like my steaks medium rare and I managed to grill a perfectly medium rare 12oz rib eye. After all of us were filled to busting Janna and Zach decided to add to our gluttony with a ridiculous dessert. At first it just seemed like sub-par ice cream with Hershey sauce...and then I saw the Brownie. Suddenly I was hungry enough for dessert.

On the way to the steak place we had listened to-I really should not admit this-Miley Cy*shiver*. On the way back, we redeemed ourselves by listening to boybands, Britney Spears, and a little Christina from the 90s. We belted our little hearts out to the sweet sounds of our childhood.

Today/Saturday was part two of Janna's birthday. Jessica and Elyse thought it was a good idea (at the time) to plan a surprise birthday party at a bowling alley (Totem Alley) in Marshall town. The problem-they wanted it to be a kids party. I drove Steph, Ben, and Hannah to the alley Saturday afternoon. Jessica and Elyse got there first and when we saw them they were having serious doubts-they had seen the party room. Eventually Janna's car arrived-she was not driving because she had been blindfolded the entire way. She was quite amused with the reveal. We went into the alley and saw the party room. Um. On the completely white wall, except for color paint splatters, were a couple wrapped empty birthday boxes and on one of the tables was the amazing bowling ball and pin shaped cake Sara had baked. There was also a thrown for the birthday girl. It kind of reminded me of a Dexter kill room.

The first game, I was amazingly not horrible (I am usually an awful bowler). The second game...did not go so well. It's alright though because I was doing it on purpose-you know-to raise the others' self esteem. While bowling, we ate a surprisingly good pizza and signed a souvenir bowling pin Janna got as part of the party. A rivalry b/w Sara and Elyse broke out and actually improved their game. The end of the second game was quite epic. It was the last frame and Sara was a little behind Elyse. All she needed was a spare and then to hit at least one pin. Sara hit no pins the first throw and then a spare. All of us were on the edge of our seats when Sara threw the last ball and got a-strike! It was amazing.

We retired to the birthday room and ate (way too much) cake. We decided we should try to eat real food when we got back to Grinnell. We ate at the dining hall and then went to the campus luau on Mac field. Part of the group played croquette and the rest of us played badminton (to the sounds of The Final Countdown). The luau people reclaimed their sports equipment when it got dark and we retired to Younker second for the best game ever. It was a mix of Pictionary and telephone; It's too hard to explain here, so I'll show some examples in another post. I haven't laughed so hard in a loooong time. We played about eight rounds of that. Then, Elyse Jessica and I reenacted Janna's birth (don't ask) and Janna opened her presents. By that time it was about 11pm and we were all exhausted-what, college students are supposed to like staying up late? I went back to Dibble and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Next week I will be attending Octoberfest. There was talk of a bratwurst eating contest so maybe I should start putting up fliers:

Man(or woman)servant wanted. Must have own wheelbarrow and be able to push and pull at least 500 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. You are stunningly beautiful in the picture you posted. I hope you realize what a beauty you have become. (Even if you grow to 500 pounds, maybe you'll be one of those fat women about whom people say, "but she has such a pretty face).
