Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They Say a Picture's Worth a Thousand...Boo!

Sometimes words just can't convey how a week goes and you have to rely on pictures. So for my post I will provide pictures of my emotions over a very busy week of work. But because I cannot avoid blabbing on about myself (It's hard to snark without words) I will provide an explanation of my Halloween night-which you WANT to here about. But, first: How I felt this week.


Don't worry about the last two pictures. I haven't turned into a murderer or an awesome transformer robot. As you know, this past weekend was Halloween! What did I do on Halloween? What everyone should do, REGARDLESS OF AGE. I trick-or-treated with my friends. Hey, it gets you free candy. The four other people who went had on white sheets and stormtrooper masks and I had a blue sheet and an Optimus Prime mask (Just call me the black sheep!). What were we? Storm-trooper ghosts and a robot ghost. One kid actually recognized the others as stormtrooper ghosts which made them very proud. While the kids either cowered in fear or liked their costumes, my costume caused the kids to attack my very soul. That night I met the most horrible snotty bratty little kid ever. This boy (probably 9 or 10) who was also wearing an Optimus Prime mask called me a copycat, and then after I told him I didn't copy him, he told his friend "He copied my costume!" He. After I talked to him. Just call me Manly McMannerson. Throughout the night this little boy called me a traitor, copycat and told me to get out of his way. If he had provoked me one more time, that boy would have had to fear for his life: He was also generally rude to the people he trick-or-treated from, so it wasn't just that he teased me! I should mention that it was very hard to see and breathe in the masks we were wearing: this led me to say, after being provoked several times (and laughing it off of course), "It's hard to breathe when the children make me cry".

We got a pretty good haul from our rounds around the community of Grinnell and the adults who saw us were generally nice (though you could tell who was uncomfortable). My costume for the rest of the night was different. I was a gangster type person who shot my friend. Leah, had a shirt with a whole and fake blood on it. We had a little skit where I would shoot her and she would remove the bullet from herself with pliers. We all hung out in Elyse's room and then went to the Harris party-though I wasn't really feeling it (I believe being sober is not conducive to having a good time at Harris).

It was a busy week and a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I have to figure out how to get emails when you post. I just found this one.
