Saturday, December 5, 2009

My First Waltz

Hey there. It's been a while. Mostly, I have been in school. However, a week ago I got to go home for Thanksgiving break. As I don't feel like explaining my whole break (you can blame Perri for that one-I only write about things once...unless I'm in Methods and I have to write something three &**@*$# times), so I'll give you the cliff notes version.

I flew home, ate a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, read about Putin, witnessed a 21 year old British guy down a whole pot of coffee and 5+ classes of red wine, picked up Liz at Dulles with mom, got caught up on How I Met Your Mother, ate at Five Guys, had 'coffee' with Liz and Harry from my high school days (oh so long ago), rediscovered how bad I am at bowling, read about Putin some more, got introduced to Dead Like Me, made Liz watch episodes of Cowboy BeBop, woke up really early, started flying back to Grinnell, got to O'Hare thirty minutes early, sat on plane for 50 minutes waiting for the lighting to let up, ran to my connecting flight and just made it, got to Des Moines, discovered my luggage wasn't so lucky, drove back to Grinnell, prepared for my Politics of Russia debate, went to work, walked to security to get my bag that the airport drove to campus, found out United people broke my bag handle, lugged heavy luggage across campus, went to bed.

And now I'm back at school. Twwwooooooo Moooooooooorrrrreee Weeeeeeks!!!!!!!!

Tonight I went to waltz with the gang. We all had dinner at the Depot (old train station, now restaurant). Our waiter was very nice, but a terrrrible waiter. It took him 30 minutes just to take our orders and it was an hour before we got our food. He told us it was because he had two tables tonight and had never done that before (really?). The food was good when it arrived, despite my steak being mostly fat. I almost would have been able to forgive our waiter, but another couple came in about an hour after we got there and he waited on them too. They had their appetizers in 10 minutes and got there entrees about the same time we did. But enough complaining...for now. Ominous right?

After dinner, we hit up the Gates pre-waltz party where I drank punch and ate chocolate. Then, we went to the JRC pre-waltz party that had a buffet line of about 20 different kinds of desserts (no, I did not try all twenty). Then was the waltz itself. Harris looked so much nicer than I've ever seen it before, it helped that we got there a little early b/c no one was really drunk yet. I had never been to a Grinnell Waltz before so I had no idea what to expect. There was a live band for half the time. They played mostly jazz, swing, quiet jazz, an orchestral version of a Fiddler on the Roof song (naturally) and Hava Nagila (a surprisingly dangerous song-people feel down, I got kicked in the back of the leg-fun!). By the end of the night I was feeling pretty tired because they kept playing really slow and quiet jazz lullabies. I mostly danced with my friends, however I did dance with one boy who seemed to enjoy making me twirl into other people. Most of us got really tired and then I left.

Wow, that story was kind of dull wasn't it? Sorry, I'm tired. Not doing any of the homework you should be doing and dancing is very exhausting. Anyway this blog is only to keep you updated on what I'm doing...not for your amusement or to entertain you. Ok that's kind of a lie. Oh well. Good night y'all.

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