Monday, December 14, 2009

Hell Week

Why do they call the week before finals hell week? Finals week is hell week.

Ok, last week was a little hellish. I had a presentation, which always goes oh so well. Seriously it was pretty bad, but then it was over. Following, I had to rewrite the paper that I presented on. I only mention it because it inspired a miracle. While finishing my paper I...I didn't....I didn't procrastinate! The paper was like a pit in my stomach that tortured my soul and I wanted it gone as soon as possible. Unfortunately, as soon as possible meant like 10 hours later. I don't think I've ever put so much effort into a paper ever.

I did have an academic feel-good moment during “hell week”. As anyone who reads my Facebook statuses knows—I hate methods with a deep fiery passion. So, I was really not looking forward to rewriting my methods proposal (I had already rewritten the stupid thing once). Fortunately, I didn't have to! I went into his office and basically he said ‘you already made all the changes I suggested, this is an A paper, I’m willing to let you not rewrite it’. !!! I said I was willing not to rewrite it. What followed was more amazing. I had a completely nonawkward conversation with him afterwards for like 10 minutes. Guess who's going to be one of my recommendations when I try to get an internship this summer.

I had hoped to ride the wave of nonprocrastination from my seminar papers into finals week, but it's faded a little.

Sunday was quite busy. I went straight from bed to the dining hall to the library to the dining hall to watching Battlestar Galactica with friends to a pancake study break. At the study break, held in the infamous Harris Center, I discovered a game straight from the devil, pictured above, and accurately named Hot Hoops. I must say, if you judge by this game, my basketball skills have greatly improved since middle school. I swear I could play Hot Hoops all's so weirdly addictive. It kind of goes like this: Oh no! I didn't make a basket! I have to try again! Oh yay! I made a basket! I have to try again! etc etc etc

Monday=Meh. It was very productive, if you consider digging your car out of the snow productive.

The rest of finals week wasn't deadly exciting or noteworthy. I turned in my 18 page seminar paper, my flawless methods proposal, a sit down resource and environmental econ test (don't ask me how I did cause I don't know), and wrote two 5 page essays for Politics of Russia. And then when I was done with everything on Friday—yay!—I was rewarded by dinner at the new Grinnell Mexican restaurant with friends, saw Avatar (A movie which lead me to ask: why the heck would a robot have a switch blade?) and my friend who also lives in the DC area told me that all flights into DC were cancelled the next day. The day I needed to travel. Merde! Turns out he wasn’t completely right, but right enough. But, you’ll have to wait for the next post to hear about that. Duh Duh Duhnnnn!

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