Saturday, May 28, 2011

My big moment.

Yes it’s true. I did that whole graduating thing. I didn’t do it perfectly, or conventionally. For those who have not heard the story, or were not there, here it is…

“Would the social studies division please come to the stage as directed by the marshal?”

My heart was beating fast, but I held my head high and followed in line to the side of the stage. I stood on two duct tape Xs for two pictures by the fancy looking photographers they had hired. I smiled, posing gallantly, and not too badly (as I can see now online). I went on to the shorter line right next to the steps of the stage—closer and closer to glory.

“Are you Alice Choo?” The guy with the clipboard standing next to the stage asked me.

‘Um no. I’m Abigail Churchman.’ I say slightly confused. Well actually very confused.


‘Um, I’m Abigail Churchman’. He looks at the list slightly confused. My name is right there!

“Oh yes, Abigail Churchman. Is Choo in absentia?”

I don’t know! Why the hell would I know that!? ‘I guess’. I look around hoping Choo will jump from some hiding spot and laugh, “Just joking Abigail. Ha ha ha.”

“That’s ok, I’ll just tell them”.

“Abigail Churchman”. Oh my gosh, my name has been called. This is it. It’s my moment. I walk up the steps without fail and without fall. I smile. I get ready to step forward to shake hands with the president and get my diploma. Wait a second, what’s happening? I’m being given a hand, but not to shake. It’s a please don’t move any closer hand.

“Wait a moment, we’re having technical difficulties” the president mouths to me quietly. I look to the crowd of spectators for a brief moment with a smile. Showing everybody I will not let this phase me. A little wait to graduate is not so bad anyway. I’m finally given the ok to shake the hands and get the diploma. I smile. I shake his hand. I see his mouth open. I’m ready for my inspirational comment from the new valiant president.

“We’ll get you your real diploma later.”

Hrn? Wha-wha-wha??? He must be joking that’s weird. Why would he do that to me? I try to move my tassel over to the left. I have some difficulty. It sort of gets stuck in the front. I think I’m just sort of in a huddle of confusion. I don’t trip at all.

I sit down in my seat and open the little black folder that is supposed to contain my brilliant, shiny, new diploma. It’s blank. There’s nothing inside. Absolutely nothing. I sort of mumble to myself/to the person sitting next to me, ‘It’s not real. I didn’t get a real diploma’.

The ceremony is over and I walk past my family. I smile, briefly showing my family the empty diploma that really could have only happened to me.

In case you're worried. I got it eventually.

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