Thursday, May 19, 2011

That Time is Coming

Yes folks. That wonderful time in my life is almost upon me. When I'll finally be able to put away my books and papers and block anything academically related from entering my consciousness. When I'll just sit in the sun...or the dark TV room...and not worry about homework at all because I won't have to. Yes folks that wonderful time is almost here...


Unfortunately, it won't last forever. Eventually, I'll have to pick those books and papers back up, and get back to work. I'll have to hunker down and get back to my studies. I can't let my grade's suffer after all. Yes, I know when we're in college we all want summer to last for as long as possible, but then it's time to get serious again and... Hm? What was that? Sorry, could you readers wait one second, Perri's trying to tell me something. Ok Perri, what was that you wanted to say? Yeah...okay...mmhmm...what do you mean? Oh, ok... Wait what?


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