Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yay San Antonio!

A little over a week ago I was charged with the task of retrieving a family car (the Corolla I learned how to drive in) from my brother David in San Antonio. A mere few days later, David was picking me up at San Antonio airport, looking very much like the teacher he will soon officially be. What followed was a wonderful trip spent hanging out with David, Emily (Henceforth known as DGF Emily) and their Ultimate Frisbee friends, while seeing the SA sights and eating at least one meal of TexMex a day. Mmmm. My last day, right before hitting the highway to get back to A-town, I finally tried the San Antonio staple my brother had recommended my whole stay: the breakfast taco. Basically it’s a soft taco filled with breakfast foods—all I can say is that I will be leading the crusade to bring these beautiful things to Virginia, Iowa…and then the world!

Also during my stay, David recommended I start my own blog. I told him I really didn’t have anything to say and kind of brushed the suggestion off—as the universe rubbed its hands together and snickered evilly. After finishing my first real highway driving experience I decided I had to write about it, to perserve my own sanity. What follows in my next post is the story of a journey fueled by gas, human error and it’s-always-funny-when-it-happens-to-someone-else bad luck…

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