Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Second to Last Finals Week

This post will be a little different from the others. I'm aiming for sort of a journal entry style, so I don't have to sit down and try to remember everything that happened to me retrospectively. At the end of each day of finals week I will write a little something about it. Hopefully, by being as honest as possible about what I actually did (procrastination and all), I'll actually guilt myself into getting something done. Now that that's out of the way.

Saturday December 11
I didn't get any work done today, but it was OK because...I say it is. I wanted to use this day to relax and not think about work-recharge myself for the week ahead. This past week had been pretty stressful thanks to an Abnormal Psychology comic book project (which can be viewed here; But it had been especially deadly for Perri who had much to do. Basically we didn't see each other outside of class for most of the week. So, on Saturday morning Perri came to make up for all the television we had missed. Next, I decided to tag along with Perri and her friend (now my friend?) Laura to go grocery shopping for cookie materials. We returned to Perri's apartment where we gained an addition in the form of Alex (for long time readers the Alex I hung out with in Montana two summers ago). I cleaned Perri's dishes (be proud of me parents!), then helped Laura with her first cookie making attempt (meaning I back-seat baked). Somehow (b/c of me) wine became part of the deal and we adulted it up. Alex and Perri eventually left to do other things and so I was left alone with Laura. Both of us are pretty shy, so we confined our talk to cookie making, but there was something comfortable about the silences that dominated our time together...I'd say we're friends now (b/c she friended me on Facebook-which I believe is significant for her). She left and I napped on Perri's bed. Perri returned to my room with me and eventually we watched anime w/ Brett. Good day-unexpected socializing!

Sunday Dec 12
At 3pm was a Sing-a-long Messiah in Herrick Chapel. On Friday there was an informal get together at Bucksbaum where anyone who wanted to could sing the Hallelujah chorus from Messiah. It was pretty cathartic, it being the last day of classes and all. Anywho, this sing a long had a few more selections from Messiah. The singers sat in pews at Herrick Chapel, while the orchestra, director and soloists were on 'stage'. The bass soloist was my choir conductor, the tenor soloist was my brother's old voice teacher, and the soprano was my old voice teacher. It actually made me kind of self conscious b/c my teacher could look straight at me, and I wanted to look like I was doing a good job. It was still fun though. At night, everything that could go wrong during our work shift did go wrong. The zamboni ran out of battery so we had to mop everything while I temporarily broke a mop. It provided enough laughs though and turned into a good time. Now before bed, an episode of Merlin w/ Perri and studying.

Monday Dec 13
Absolutely nothing happened today. That is all. Move along, nothing to see here.

Tuesday Dec 14
Last night I had a dream. I was in the bathroom on my dorm room floor (not doing that!) using the sinks. Both were very full and I had to make sure too much water didn't get into one of the sinks. I feel like this was an omen of some kind, but don't ask me what kind. We'll see. I woke up early to fit in some last minute studying and then went to take my Major Western Religions final. Done with that class! Two left. My grand plan for the day was to finish a paper that is due Thursday, so I could take my Abnormal Psych final in the morning and then be done. Yeah. That didn't work out so well. After waking up early I was knackered, so I decided to take a nap before working on said paper. So, that took longer than expected. Then at five pm I sat down ready to tackle and finish it and then...Bring! My phone rang and it was Perri. Apparently our friend Brett's car battery was dead (preventing her from leaving). Perri offered to help her only to find out her own car's battery was dead. So that left me. Long story short I ended up being no help at all because Brett was helped by security and Perri's car batter was unreachable with her short cable. I did get to dig my car out of ice and run around in the freezing cold for no reason for 30 minutes. So that was fun. Also long story short my paper didn't finish either. Oh well I tried. I really need to find a more efficient paper writing technique.

Wednesday Dec 15

Tomorrow morning is my Abnormal Psychology final. Tomorrow @ 4pm I must turn in my last final/paper for Sociology of Health and Illness. So what did I prepare for this day? Both! I started the day with a little bit of paper writing and realizing the way I write papers is horribly time consuming. Must work on that next semester, but genius takes time. For most of the day I studied for Abnormal Psychology and wow I just realized how boring this all must be for anyone reading right now and I will stop... Except also Perri studied with me so solidarity! except I also helped her procrastinate and... Ok stopping now.

Thursday Dec 16

I once again woke up two hours early to get in some last minute studying. I was actually feeling pretty confident, I just wanted it to be done with. Therefore, I was a bucket full of jitters when Perri and I arrived in class way too early (a running joke with me and Perri-because Perri likes to be early and I--often am not early). By the end my hand felt like it would fall off and I was developing a writing blister on my finger (again exciting stuff) because I wrote soooo much. I was actually the last one to finish leaving me alone to have an awkward conversation with my Professor. "So do you think you did well?" "Depends on how generous you're feeling". I finished by 11:30 and had a paper due by 4pm, so I went straight from writing to typing. I took a lunch break to stuff my face (it was the most satisfying meal for some reason: brain food?) but pretty much wrote continuously till 3:50pm. By that time I had turned 12 pages of quotes and random thoughts into exactly 6 pages of brilliantly coherent Brilliance (too redundant?) which was good because it could be no longer than 6 pages. And with that last final in I went ah. I watched all that YouTube stuff I had so responsibly left 'til after my finals and melted into my bed and then went with Perri to play with Kitties at the Shelter...and scoop litter and stuff.

Friday Dec 17

I'm sorry. What? My what is over? My second to last semester? Surely you must be mistaken I'm not graduating any tiME SOON I CAN'T BE LEAVING YOU CAN'T MAKE ME LEAVE! Actually the day was pretty stress free. I graciously agreed to work lunch with Perri only to be abandoned for the first ten minutes. Someone had lost track of time at the barn and skipped our lunch date...I'm joking Perri, don't get upset. For dinner, Perri, Laura, Alex and I went out for Mexican. We were joined later by a nice lad named Jing. It was a great end to our know...the semester that isn't over, that didn't just happen.

Update: Got a 99/100 on my Abnormal Psychology Final. Bringing my class grade up to an A-. Hells yes.

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